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Train The Trainer - Put Responsible and Sustainable AI into Practice

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Unlock the secrets to building ethical, sustainable, and responsible AI during this one-day masterclass. 

AI is taking up an ever more important role in software development, with core software functionalities being replaced by machine learning models. However, the use of such adaptive techniques is not without drawbacks. They may use a lot of energy, introduce bias, and have discriminatory effects. Building ethical and sustainable AI is therefore no longer optional -- it's essential for business success and social impact. 

This training focuses on building AI solutions that are not only powerful but also ethical, responsible, and sustainable. 

Learning Outcomes 

Participants will learn to discover and handle drawbacks and gaps in a classification pipeline through the operationalisation of responsible and sustainable AI practice. Specifically, participants will learn practical techniques for and gain a solid understand of: 

  • How to improve the performance of ML systems for minorities 
  • How to assess fairness of ML techniques 
  • how to lower the need for large amounts of data. 
  • Strengths and weaknesses of different evaluation metrics. 
  • Sources of bias that may introduce discrimination. 
  • How to improve the robustness of algorithmic outcomes. 
  • Awareness of potential secondary effects that are not modelled in data. 

Our team, Diana Remache and Corneliu Cofaru, would be happy to welcome you on the day, supported by VUB AI Lab expertise. 

Key Features 

Hands-on training through problem-based learning: Start solving classification problem, reflect in group, and learn from each other's. 

Coding in pairs: Partner in pairs based on personal preferences for coding. 

Actionable takeaways: Walk away with practical techniques and actionable skills to immediately integrate responsible, ethical, and sustainable AI strategies into projects. 

Target Audience 

The ideal participants for this bootcamp are developers, novice data scientists, and AI engineers with experience with coding and basic knowledge of Python, scikit-learn, and Pandas. 


Thanks to the support of the European Commission and Innoviris in the framework of the EDIH sustAIn.brussels, SMEs, and midcaps receive this training* free of charge (0€). Large companies and participants without a company pay 3031 € per participant. 


Number of participants: Limited to 15 

Bring your computer! 

Cancellations should be notified by email events@sustain.brussels. Cancellations notified 3 working days before the event are free of charge. In case of no-show or cancellation on the day itself, the fee of 105€ will be charged to cover the costs. Replacement by a colleague is always possible provided that this is notified in advance by email to events@sustain.brussels/ 


AI Lab, Vrije Universities Burssels (VUB) - with over 40 years of experience

sustAIn.brussels is a European Digital Innovation Hub in Brussels that serves as a single point of access to sustainable and digital innovation in Brussels with a focus on AI and other emerging technologies. Supported by the European Commission, Innoviris and hub.brussels. 

*This Train The Trainer is organized as part of our skills and trainers' masterclasses.